Saturday, October 18, 2014

Low Rise Buildings at the Ajnara sports city

The sports city like the Ajnara sports city is always the most beautiful one with great architectural works and with great city planning. The cities are usually built with space marked for the parks, for the grounds or stadium, for the complexes like the shopping malls, the location for the residential complexes and also for the individual residential houses. The great planning of the city puts all the things at a small place, but yet maintains the space management in such a way that the city dwellers love to live in the cities because of the peace and the luxury of the city.

The low rise building security

The main problem or the threat that the old cities faces are the threat of security for the individual residential houses. The planned city like the Ajnara sports city is going to give a triple protection for the dwellers and thus they can live a peaceful life and can set themselves free from all types of threats.

The first and the primary protection provided to them is the location. Their location is made at the inner skirt of the city but with the high rise buildings on both the sides of them. Thus the privacy of the residential houses will be maintained rightly. The second protection provided to them is the protection from the menaces like the water logging and the power shortage. Thus the city dwellers can live a better and peaceful life. The third thing provided to the dwellers of the Ajnara sports cityvillas are the support of the civic police for maintaining the security for all the dwellers and also for the individual residential dwellers. 

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